Before the moon has set
Before the sun has risen
When the first birds call out the beginning of the new day,
As I open my eyes and gratitude seeps from my heart …. I utter these words with the new breath You have given me in such gratefulness.
Modah ani l’fanecha, melech chai v’kayam.
I offer thanks to you
Ever-living Sovereign
That you have restored my soul to me in mercy, how great is your trust!

Shiviti Adonai l’negdi tamid
I set Adonai before me always
(Psalms 16 :8-9)

Mah gadlu maasecha Adonai,
M’od amku machshevotecha .
How great are your works Adonai,
How very profound your designs
(Psalms 92 :6)
