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The Holiness of Shabbat

Cathy Ostroff

The holiness of Shabbat

depends on every individual.

And the essence of that holiness is joy.

Be joyful and good hearted.

Put your whole self into Shabbat.

No part of me is left outside.

Compose your own songs and prayers.

We constantly sing a new song

through our deepening awareness of the Infinite Presence.

Everything you can share with the Unknowable Mystery

will build another dimension

to your relationship with the Divine

and to your life on this planet.

Nishmat Kol Hai.

The soul of every living being

shall bless Your Name

and bless the spirit of all flesh.

And we became a speaking soul.

The Israelites were told to keep

The letters from aleph to tav.

And so the sanctity of Shabbat will be drawn

into our letters and our speech.

With our prayers we lift up all creation,

elevating everything to the Source of blessing.

All worlds receive infusions of Source on Shabbat

and we are granted an extra soul.

Each of us like the universe

is a new creation, a beriah hadasha.

And that extra soul will be received

According to our nature and our qualities:

The wise will receive the wisdom of Chochmah

The understanding will receive Binah

The kind will receive the loving kindness of Chesed

The mighty and unafraid the strength of Gevurah

The pure of heart the harmony of Tiferet

As we greet Shabbat together in the last moments of light,

we experience a path of ascension that is solitary in one way,

yet shared as a holy gathering of souls.

Together we ask for blessing for this sacred community. Amen.


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