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In this recorded class, R' Daniel Raphael Silverstein explores how Rosh Hashanah is viewed by our mystics, and how they frame our spiritual work in this season of return and renewal.


Topics explored include:

  • The origins of Rosh Hashanah in the Torah and its observance in biblical times;

  • Its place in both our agricultural and mystical calendars;

  • Its relationship with Teshuvah (returning to the Divine and our best selves), creativity, and compassion;

  • Its apparently paradoxical association with both joy and judgement; and

  • Specific practices our mystics gave us to prepare for, and to experience, a meaningful, transformative, renewing, heart-opening Rosh Hashanah.


The class was designed to augment our Kabbalah Through the Calendar course.


Please scroll down for the video recording of the class.


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