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This Pesach, for many of us, brings with it an opportunity to celebrate our Time of Freedom (Z'man Cheiruteinu) with a profound sense of immediacy and relevance.​​


The Jewish State, and the Jewish People, are in an unprecedented crisis in our relationship to freedom.


Through our commitment to spiritual practice, in the broadest possible sense of the word, we at AJS are striving to support those forces which are helping to turn this moment into the birth something new and wonderful.


In this Haggadah Companion, you will find teachings from our sages and mystics, and prompts for reflection, conversation, writing, drawing or any other means of expression.


You can use any or all of these materials to help you prepare for the Seder, or to add a fresh dimension to your actual experience of it.


Chag Sameach - may we all experience true and deep liberation!


R' Daniel Raphael Silverstein



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These resources are freely offered. We very much appreciate any financial contribution you can make, which goes toward the cost of producing them.

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